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UI design

UX design

UI Art

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects

Motion Design

This piece was created in 2020 for Ubisoft NEXT and has been recently updated.

I followed a process of drawing from various inspirations such as existing IPs, as well as other visual media. I then created sketches and mockups to determine layout, and with a round of feedback from judges as well as those experienced with games, created final high-fidelity mockups with motion.


The project called for the creation of a UI design for an existing Ubisoft IP. I chose to create designs for Farcry Primal. The brief essentially calls for:


Before I could begin designing, it was important to conduct research and answer these questions, drawing from games of a similar genre/style, and adopt some of those qualities into my own work. I drew from sources such as:

I analyzed the brief and pulled elements from other games to determine what information was required on each UI design. I also kept in mind the line quality, colour palette, and the aesthetic I want to follow:

I approached my design by creating wireframes on paper where I could quickly sketch ideas and notes. I sketched many aspects of my designs, creating wireframes for the loadout menu and gameplay HUD, as well as any icons or item assets. When created icons, I brainstormed what symbols would best represent each concept; I had to keep in mind the simplicity vs. recognizability

Contestants were also given the oppurtunity to ask questions and recieve feedback.

Wireframes | Sketches | Iconography

I explored markmaking while creating these iterations and sketching, which helped me to solidify the style and better imagine the final design.

When beginning to create high fidelity mockups, I made sure to test contrast as I went, and focused a lot on how my design would look on different environments/different lights. It was interesting to balance the rugged and naturalistic visuals with identifiable elements.

Mockups | Iterations

Weapon Assets

I also illustrated all weapon assets for the mockups.


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